SBA (Solutions Baggage Airports) is part of the ARLBS group (Air Road Logistics and Baggage Solutions) specialized in express transportation solutions throughout Europe and the full handling of delayed baggage in airports.
Its management team is composed with airport operations professionnals benefiting from more than 20 years experience in baggage and airport operations expertise. All managers have been involved in lost and found services for several years with an accurate expertise in baggage tracing and lost and found management.
SBA provides a reliable, professional alternative for the Handlers and Airlines to ensure a complete Lost and Found service handling in any European airports.
SBA enables to consolidate Lost and Found solutions in every airports for several Handlers or Airlines empoweing staff expertise, cost efficiency and increasing of overall performance due to many automated processing solutions.
SBA staff benefits from a strong expertise in lost and found baggage management and is fully skilled for the use of all tracking baggage system solutions existing (Worldtracer, Netracer, Aqeeba).
SBA develops automated IT solutions enabilng a wider passenger autonomy in managing its own baggage claiming experience. SBA provides solutions such as automated AHL/DPR kiosks, mobile application for claim opening, centralized teracking solutions.

Our current customers are either Handling companies and airlines needing improvement and cost efficiency solutions to manage their lost and baggage services: