Mishandled baggage management expert
SBA (Solutions Baggage Airports) is the expert for the baggage lost and found services in Airports. Settled in France on several airports, SBA provides for Airlines or Handlers a full service for Lost and Found baggage management from D1 to D+90. SBA provides a reliable and complete range of services around Lost and Found baggage management in airport and baggage transportation solutions.
Our teams are experts on lost baggage management and trained on customer relationship management and all tracing systems used (WorldTracer, Netracer, etc…) in order to answer all your needs related to efficient and professional management of your delayed baggage issues.
SBA also provides new IT solutions of baggage claim management such as : automated kiosks for delayed and damaged baggage, centralized management of baggage reconciliation and reforwarding, baggage back-office centralized solutions.SBA also develops baggage tracking solutions to accelerate baggage reconciliation and improve baggage forwarding.
Mishandled baggage management expert
Interested in using our services or our solutions, we remain at your disposal to analyze any outsourced solutions for your Lost and Found services, please contact us:
Provide a full expertise to the management of your baggage claims in case of delayed, damaged or stolen bagagge
Collect and store the overhanded baggage and proceed to its passenger reconciliation
Answer and inform your passengers of their baggage position and tracking, provides passengers with airlines procedures information
immediate baggage replacement straight at the lost and found counter in order to close immediately the claim and avoid expensive after claiming process
we handle from A to Z your mishandled baggage operations in airports
SBA (Solutions Baggage Airports) is part of the ARLBS group (Air Road Logistics and Baggage Solutions) specialized in express transportation solutions throughout Europe and the full handling of delayed baggage in airports.
Provide your teams a training on operational softwares and best practices